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Single Patient Use Linear Cutter and Reload

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Surgeons of departments of general surgery, thoracic surgery, urology and obstetrics and gynecology use Linear Cutter and Reload to incise digestive tract, lung tissue, tubal broad ligament, ileal bladder, etc., and to suture tissue of bilateral cutting edges at the same time, such as making sleeve gastrectomy, and wedge resection of the lung. It can also be used to do side-to-side anastomosis of digestive tract, such as anastomosis of gastrojejunostomy

● 55 and 75 mm devices have three kinds of interchangeable cartridge reloads, blue, yellow and green, to suture different thickness of tissue.
● Tissue retaining pin prevents tissue slippage from the distal end, to ensure effective cutting and stapling length.
● Protruding cam mechanism helps establish parallel closure, ensuring even compression on tissue and uniform staple formation height.
● Safety device prevents misfiring empty cartridge reload.
● Cartridge covering plate prevents accidentally slip of staples during transport.
● Suturing line is 1.5 widths of staple longer than cutting line, to ensure the sufficient anastomosis at the end of cutting line, and to prevent bleeding.

● Intermediate position of movable handle, operated by one hand, provides precise adjustment of cutting and stapling position.
● Cartridge reloads with individual packages avoid waste
Code Products Description Reload Color Suturing Length Closed Staple Height Staple Qty
LCA55B Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A55B Blue 55mm 1.5mm 56
LCA55Y Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A55Y Yellow 55mm 1.8mm 56
LCA55G Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A55G Green 55mm 2.0mm 56
LCA75B Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A75B Blue 75mm 1.5mm 76
LCA75Y Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A75Y Yellow 75mm 1.8mm 76
LCA75G Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A75G Green 75mm 2.0mm 76
LCA100B Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A100B Blue 100mm 1.5mm 100
LCA100G Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A100G Green 100mm 2.0mm 100
LCAR55B Single Patient Use Linear Cutter Reload, A55B Blue 55mm 1.5mm 56
LCAR55Y Single Patient Use Linear Cutter Reload, A55Y Yellow 55mm 1.8mm 56
LCAR55G Single Patient Use Linear Cutter Reload, A55G Green 55mm 2.0mm 56
LCAR75B Single Patient Use Linear Cutter Reload, A75B Blue 75mm 1.5mm 76
LCAR75Y Single Patient Use Linear Cutter Reload, A75Y Yellow 75mm 1.8mm 76
LCAR75G Single Patient Use Linear Cutter Reload, A75G Green 75mm 2.0mm 76
LCAR100B Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A100B Blue 100mm 1.5mm 100
LCAR100G Single Patient Use Linear Cutter & Reload, A100G Green 100mm 2.0mm 100